Our services

Physical fitness assessment

Starting a new training program? With the purchase of a annual membership, have your physical fitness assessed for free by a kinesiologist.

He/She will assesses your back health, aerobic fitness, body composition and musculoskeletal fitness. After analyzing your results, the kinesiologist will adapt your new program to make it safe and effective for you.

The kinesiologist will then compare your results with the Canadian standard and explain them to you in simple terms: excellent, very good, good, acceptable or needs improvement.

Private Training

Want to work out under the supervision of a certified kinesiologist? Our plans are flexible and affordable!

30 minutes: 45$+txs 8 sessions: 320$+txs

45 minutes: 60$+txs 8 sessions: 400$+txs

60 minutes: 70$+txs 8 sessions: 480$+txs

The first physical assessement and private session is free with a annual membership!